Meeting 20: Postavitev informacijskih panojev / Setting up information screens on the site


V sredo 5.10.2011 smo se dobil ob 14-i uri na izbrani lokaciji v Trnovem, kjer smo skupaj s profesorjem Sašom Medvedom in asistentom Cirilom Arkarjem postavili 2 razstavna panoja, eden ob cesti in drugega ob Gradaščici/pešpoti. S postavitvijo panojev bomo mimoidoče seznanili o projektu in jih obvestili o datumu postavitve, ki bo v začetku decembra. Na dan otvoritve so vabljeni vsi, ki jih zanima samozadostno bivanje.


On Wednesday 5.10.2011 we met at 2 pm at the chosen location in Trnovo. Together with a professor and assistant we set two information boards. One we put beside the road and another at Gradaščica footpath. By placing billboards, passersby will be informed about the project and the date of installation, which will be held in early December. On the opening day are invited everyone who are interested in self-sufficient living.

Avtor:  Tjaša Plavec, Ana Bilobrk

About selfsufficientcell

A group of students of the Faculty of Architecture, who will participate in project design and implementation of energy self-sufficient living units. It will be constructed on a test track in Gameljne near Ljubljana.

Posted on October 5, 2011, in 2. Tedenska poročila / Weekly reports. Bookmark the permalink. Comments Off on Meeting 20: Postavitev informacijskih panojev / Setting up information screens on the site.

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